It’s simple to undervalue the impact of just expressing your desires. Don’t wait for someone to read your mind if you can only receive what you want from them. Ask politely, confidently, and in great detail for what you desire. To ensure there is no possibility of misunderstanding, be explicit and comprehensive.
It could be beneficial to prepare your speech in advance. Put your request in writing and include a list of supporting points for your position. If speaking makes you jittery or anxious, practice. Ensure that you are posing questions rather than issuing commands. Make sure the other person feels free to decline without feeling obligated! It is best not to whine or pout if your request is turned down. It’s simpler to approach your goals gradually and in doable chunks. Start modest, for instance, if your ultimate goal is to receive a raise at work. Start early at work or try to speak with your supervisor each day, and work your way up from there! Put your objectives in writing. Putting pen to paper is a much more effective and committed action than simply thinking about your goals, even though it may seem too basic. Go above and above in your goal-setting. It’s not necessary to be “realistic” in order to prevent disappointment. Aim high and set challenges for yourself. Imagine how your life would be, what you would be doing, who you would be with, and how you would feel.