While there may not be a “I” in “team,” there is a “I” in “disengaged.” Therefore, no matter what, why, or where you lead, you as the leader bear direct responsibility for the engagement of those who follow you. Additionally, engagement is bolstered by your organization’s culture, which you bear responsibility for as a leader. For this reason, it is imperative that leaders set the right tone for the organization—for the sake of engagement, culture, and the employee experience. Leadership entails motivating others to achieve specific goals, whether one is leading a family, a class, or a corporation. You must determine whether you are leading positively or negatively, as well as whether you prefer to prioritize engagement over output. A strong sense of self-worth and confidence are frequently combined with a constant need to learn new things and worry about whether you’re leading others correctly. Focusing on your strengths is the first step towards developing your leadership skills, regardless of whether you have a leadership position inside a company or have significant influence in another context. That’s what we would refer to as “leading with your strengths” the abilities that come easily to you and support your everyday success. Your life and the lives of people you lead start to change when you consciously use your leadership strengths. You’ll get fresh perspectives on your leadership role or position from this page. The first step towards genuine progress is to reject the idea of universally applicable remedies.
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