When a meaningful relationship ends, we frequently have to get over our “broken heart.” Though it might be a difficult and painful process, it does eventually end, and time will aid in your recovery. To help you get through this one and create healthy coping mechanisms for use in future relationships, you can utilize it as a learning experience to better understand your needs and wants. The word has two interpretations: An uncomfortable, depressing mental state brought on by a traumatic incident, such as a breakup, the death of a loved one, etc.; and acute stress-induced cardiomyopathy, a transient medical ailment marked by chest pain. A broken heart can result from any loss. Breaking up with someone we love, losing a pet, experiencing a family conflict, failing personally, or any other unfavorable occurrence may all be heartbreaking. You’re not dreaming if you feel as though your heart is hurting physically: Breaking heart syndrome, also known as stress-induced cardiomyopathy, can be brought on by the barrage of stress chemicals your body is releasing in reaction to your emotions. This health ailment manifests as dyspnea, chest discomfort, and irregular heartbeat. It’s possible that you may even get a heart attack-like feeling.