Following the promotion of her “Botox you make at home” recipe, a woman went viral on the internet. You appear lifeless and elderly with sagging skin. Your skin may appear that way for a variety of reasons; popular ones include an unhealthy lifestyle, bad eating habits, and inadequate skincare routines. You could try some natural, efficient methods to tighten your skin. Omega 3 fatty acids, found in flaxseeds or alsi, are excellent for your skin. Additionally, the antioxidants and phytochemicals in these seeds help to delay the aging process of your skin. Flaxseeds are generally quite good for your skin. In a pan, combine seeds and water to form flaxseed gel. Heat to a simmer over a medium heat. Don’t forget to whisk the ingredients continuously. You’ll notice that the water is gelling. Cut off the flame and use a sieve to remove the gel. After letting it cool, move it to a container. This gel keeps for a month in the refrigerator. You can add any essential oil to this oil to give it scent. You can use this gel as a moisturizer on your skin. Pat dry your face after cleansing it with water. Next, cover your entire face and neck with a small amount of gel. For ten to twenty minutes, keep it. Use cold water to rinse off.