By no means is Ethiopia a foreign nation. It is a culturally rich nation located in East Africa. In this region of the world, marriages are significant life events. However, they are significant everywhere in the world. To begin with, a traditional Ethiopian wedding is a three-day affair. Every occurrence has value on its own. Ethiopian wedding culture follows many traditions, one of which is the unusual practice of kissing an elder’s knee. The bride obtains a new name at the conclusion of the occasion. We’re not talking about her new last name; instead, her mother offers her a new moniker that will stick in people’s minds as a tribute to her marriage. It is quite unusual for two foreigners to get married in Ethiopia because of the numerous traditional rites and customs involved, as well as the three-day duration of the event. If you are dating someone of Ethiopian heritage, you can still have an Ethiopian wedding. You could decide not to include the customary portions, such the two extra days, the knee-kissing, and the larger number of parties. You and your partner might still look amazing in traditional Ethiopian wedding garb, complete with tattoos and braids, eat and drink Ethiopian food, and dance Ethiopian dances.