
Was it better if you didn’t grow up

Opportunities to learn new things arise when things change. Perhaps your body is telling you to give swimming a try if you can’t run as well as you did in your twenties. If your eyesight isn’t as sharp as it used to be, perhaps your eyes are trying to tell you that it’s time to consider stylish eyewear as a fashion item. Your body may be attempting to urge you to experiment more with your wardrobe, makeup, and overall appearance if it is changing shape or color. Move from your mind to your body. Realizing that for the most time, I’ve been preoccupied with my thoughts—be it education, career advancement, or worrying about what other people thought of me so that I might adjust—has been one of the blessings of midlife. I have been able to, for the most part, neglect my body over that time in favor of my thoughts. These days, though, I’m intrigued by what my body is trying to tell me it needs. For instance, since I don’t particularly enjoy working out but know that it’s getting more and more crucial as I age, I’ve been paying close attention to how my body wants to move.

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