Having the guts to follow your heart is what I mean when I say “living your own life,” and this will obviously mean different things to different individuals. At times, it entails putting everything on the line and acting bravely to achieve apparently unattainable goals. Sometimes, though, it’s a subdued act of defiance, such as saying “no” and drinking tea at home. Being vulnerable, honest, and open may be a sign of being true to oneself. It’s about finding a quiet moment to hear your own voice before it is drowned out by the din of the crowd, not about being flawless or always obtaining what you want. I thought I understood what I wanted out of life for a long time, but I had never actually given it any thought. Rather, I was pursuing a nebulous notion of success that was greatly impacted by the people and environment I observed around me. I was never satisfied because I had lost touch with myself. No matter how hard I worked or how many stuff I accumulated, it made no difference. I didn’t know what “enough” meant to me, so it never seemed like enough. Thankfully, I’ve now discovered that I’m not alone and that most people don’t natively possess self-awareness. Rather, it takes time, distance, and deliberate effort to rediscover who we are.