Thus, you became a man of vows after being married. Now that you’ve made all those commitments to your spouse, it’s time to start acting on them. Thankfully, there are ways to be a decent spouse. It’s about acting on your love for your partner and listening to your conscience and emotions. The image of a gentleman is charming and charming to many, but not to everyone. Prepare to show off your most chivalrous side if your partner is like that. Respect is an understanding gesture. Recognize that although your hobbies are typically similar, your spouse is a unique individual and may not wish to pursue the same endeavors as you. Don’t break your word. Follow through on your commitments. If you promise to do the dishes, don’t back down and then let them handle it while you excuse yourself. Arrive on time. Be present if you claim you will be somewhere at a specific time, such as to pick up your child from daycare. Your time and your spouse’s time are equally valuable. Honor it. Quit making assumptions. Don’t rely solely on their actions.