Everyone wants to experience love, but if you ask them, most will not give a convincing answer. Some insist it does not exist, while others claim it is everywhere. Its presence engulfs those who have fallen in love, preventing them from seeing anything else. Love is the most lovely feeling in the world. If you find someone who truly loves you, it is a blessing in your life. Love provides happiness and strength. However, some people discover love quickly, while others struggle. True love is characterized by sentiments of full attachment, dedication, tenderness, and warmth for another person that are difficult to change. You truly love someone when you are willing to sacrifice your own happiness for theirs and accept them for who they are, flaws and all. However, what constitutes true love and ardor varies from person to person. Some may define it as unconditional love, while others may define it as a passionate tie that causes people to care profoundly for one another. When you truly love someone, you offer them your everything, with no restrictions or exclusions. She discusses the power of unconditional love, which ultimately drove her to let go of the person she loved.