There are innumerable love-related songs, books, poems, and other artistic creations (you are undoubtedly thinking of one right now!). It is still the least understood behavior, even though it is one of the most researched. For instance, scientists argue over whether love is a cultural or biological phenomenon. Attachment: Needing to be with someone else and wanting to be touched and accepted. Caring is valuing another person’s needs and pleasure just as highly as your own.
Sharing personal ideas, emotions, and wants with another individual is known as intimacy. Rubin created the Rubin’s Scales of Loving and Liking, two tests to gauge these qualities, based on this conception of romantic love. This kind of love entails having a particular level of connection and liking someone. Infatuation is a type of love that frequently occurs early in a relationship and can develop into a more committed love. It is characterized by strong feelings of attraction without any sense of commitment. Passionate love is characterized by strong emotions of attraction and longing; it frequently entails an idealization of the other person and a wish to be physically near them all the time. Compassionate/companionate love: This type of love is characterized by commitment, intimacy, trust, and tenderness. When someone loves someone who doesn’t feel the same way back, it’s known as unrequited love.