
Public statement from Soli and Heran

Every year, there are great hopes for a warm and joyous holiday season. But for a lot of people, this time of year is marred by melancholy, worry, or depression. Professional assistance is undoubtedly most beneficial for those suffering from serious anxiety disorders or major depression. But what about people who, at this time of year, simply feel hopeless, overwhelmed, or lost? Being thankful is a fundamental part of Thanksgiving, and it has been shown via research and common sense to be one of the holiday’s positive aspects. Research on positive psychology has shown a substantial and continuous relationship between thankfulness and happiness. Those who are grateful are better able to handle hardship, enjoy good times, feel happier, and forge lasting relationships. People have different ways of feeling and expressing gratitude. They can use it in the present, the future keeping an optimistic and hopeful attitude, and the past retrieving happy memories and being grateful for aspects of childhood or past blessings. No matter how innate or developed a person’s appreciation may be, it is a trait that people can effectively develop further.

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