Making things meaningful is one of the most effective strategies employed by successful people to ensure they always get what they want. In other words, they make sure that the project they choose to work on is important to them and not necessarily to others. They are aware that anything is only worthwhile if it has significance. Asking is a key strategy used by successful people to obtain what they want. The majority of people are too timid to express their true desires. You could never know how to obtain what you desire if you are too timid to ask for help. Thus, avoid being like the majority. Simply carry it out. In the best case scenario, when the time comes to buy, you’ll become accustomed to haggling. This is one of the most effective exercises I’ve ever come across: never let go of a goal without taking some sort of effort to make it a reality. To put it another way, do anything that moves you closer to achieving your goals as soon as you determine you want something or as soon as you make a decision about it. Formal authority is not a prerequisite for becoming a leader. All you have to do is select yourself. You should be aware of this, as are all successful individuals. Leading the path for others and yourself is a necessary skill for achieving your goals.