Creating a wonderful surprise requires a nice personal message. Tell the receiver how much you value your relationship with them and why you are so grateful for them. A brief note of gratitude or the reason they’re in your mind. Of course, you can always decide to surprise someone without giving them any advance notice, but even in that case, there will likely be a reason why you felt the need to surprise them at that particular time. Tell them! Maybe it’s just that they’re the best at taking care of your plants or pets if you have to be somewhere else, or that they’re always up for a good joke. Whatever the cause, express your emotions! Even while it might seem like a small gesture, who doesn’t enjoy getting traditional snail mail? There’s a card for any occasion, be it a promotion, an important exam they passed, or just letting them know you’re thinking of them! To make it genuinely unique and enjoyable for the recipient to display in their house, including a photo. Of course, we must remember to cherish our romantic times. Consider getting a set of champagne flutes personalized with the couple’s names and the date so they can toast to their love.