Words have a lot of power. Remember the last time your significant other told you that you were loved? That felt amazing, right? On the other hand, words can also be hurtful. Have you ever called someone a bleeping-bleep or told an inappropriate joke? You probably felt pretty awful afterwards. Always take a few extra seconds to consider the consequences of your words before you speak them aloud. Embrace Change. Change is a necessary part of personal development. Rather than resisting change, you should be willing to try new things, even if they terrify you. Who knows, you might end up discovering your new favorite restaurant. People who keep gratitude diaries exhibit greater optimism and a higher sense of well-being. Talking about appreciation also makes people less jealous of those who have more money, more charitable, and able to stave off diseases like coronary artery disease. You ought to be able to distinguish between good and wrong as an adult. Suppose you take your dog for a stroll and then you don’t clean up after it. It is not necessary for someone to remind you to tidy up the mess. You are aware that you are responsible for it and that it would be unfair to let someone else handle it.