Combine equal volumes apple cider vinegar and water, then apply the mixture to your scalp and let it sit for fifteen minutes. Rinse well. Apply three to five teaspoons of coconut oil to your scalp and let it sit for an hour. Lemon juice and coconut oil: Combine the two ingredients in equal amounts, massage into your scalp, and let sit for ten to fifteen minutes. Rinse well. Yogurt: Cover your scalp and hair with a layer of fresh yogurt, let it sit for ten to fifteen minutes, and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Neem: Rinse your hair with water boiled from fresh neem leaves, or apply a freshly ground paste of neem leaves to your scalp. Other tips for treating dandruff include: Eating foods high in biotin, such as liver, egg yolks, nuts, salmon, and nutritional yeast; reducing stress: Blend a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar with a quarter cup of water, then pour it over your scalp; Garlic: crush some garlic cloves, mix them in water, and apply the paste to your scalp; and baking soda: gently rub baking soda into your scalp in the shower and rinse after a few minutes.