You cannot sound well if you are dehydrated, no matter how talented you are as a vocalist. At least eight glasses of water should be consumed daily. Avoid consuming caffeine or alcohol prior to singing as these drugs increase dehydration. Also, you should stay away from sugar-filled beverages. Vocal chord lubrication and improvement can be achieved with decaffeinated green teas or warm water infused with honey and lemon. Foods that produce an overabundance of mucus in the throat, such as yogurt, cheese, and ice cream, make singing challenging. Moreover, avoid consuming spicy and salty foods as they may irritate your vocal chords and throat. Other foods, such as those that are heavy or spicy that may aggravate your vocal chords and produce acid reflux, can also make breathing more difficult. Every day, you should practice taking deep breaths into your belly, even if you don’t have time to sing or perform a complete warm-up. In the long run, this alone can greatly improve your voice. Running or yoga can be used with breathing exercises to help with breath control.