When performing, you should project your voice farther than usual (which is not the same as shouting) and properly enunciate your sentences because there are people attempting to understand you from a distance. Remember to remain calm even though all of the emotions on your face should be produced in a more extreme way. If you think you’re behaving too much, you’re probably acting appropriately. More expansive and dramatic facial expressions, gestures, eyes, smiles, and other features are required than you would ever use in real life. This is frequently misinterpreted as hyperbole, but it’s not. To exaggerate is to make your words and deeds seem false. You desire better instead. If you are performing for a camera, it is not the same. It matters how you utilize your voice. You will frequently be operating without microphones and you need to be audible to the back row. A member of the audience will not understand anything you say if they are unable to hear you. Theaters face a wide range of acoustic issues due to their diverse shapes and sizes. Your voice will have the resonance and tone it needs to effortlessly reach the back row without your having to exert any effort if you warm it up well.