Our everyday lives are full of situations that make us impatient. Perhaps a toxic coworker is causing you trouble, your manager passed you over for the promotion once more, or the performance of your team isn’t meeting your expectations. You may even find it difficult to wait for yourself. It’s simple to get into a vicious cycle of self-doubt and frustration if your performance isn’t what you’d like it to be. You’re going to become tired of these things. Even if it’s simple to get angry with coworkers or berate yourself, doing these things will ultimately harm you. Let’s figure out how to maintain our composure before these things turn into your Joker origin narrative. This will enhance your mental health, enable you to make wiser judgments. This desire for rapid fulfillment is something we must resist. Certain approaches will be more effective in a given situation than others. Traffic jams, nasty family members, lengthy lineups at the grocery store—all of these everyday annoyances can make your pulse rate skyrocket. The next time you find yourself becoming irritated, remember these. Try to consider why the scenario is bothering you when you find yourself in it. Once the cause has been determined, the problem can be reframed to be less difficult. Consider using the time you have to read or catch up on emails, for instance, if you are waiting for a colleague who is running fifteen minutes behind schedule.