While the image of strawberry legs may evoke thoughts of a lovely summer delicacy, for many others it represents a less-than-pleasant reality characterized by small, black pimples and rough skin on the legs. You may get smoother skin with a little love and care, so don’t worry—strawberry legs are harmless. It has nothing to do with strawberries, even if the name may genuinely conjure images of them. What’s at issue is the legs’ seeming congested pores. Dead skin cells, oil, and occasionally germs accumulate in these pores, which house hair follicles. This gives them the appearance of being elevated, darker, and rough, much like the small seeds on a strawberry, which is how they got their name. Hair follicles may become irritated by shaving friction, resulting in pimples. The look of congested pores can be made worse by dry skin. Some people are inherently more prone to folliculitis and blocked pores, which can lead to strawberry legs. Hormone fluctuations with menstruation, puberty, or pregnancy might aggravate strawberry legs by increasing oil production. To get rid of dead skin cells and clear clogged pores, exfoliate your legs on a regular basis with a mild body scrub (chemical or physical). Fortunately, smoother legs are achievable with the appropriate approach.