It’s ready to take the stage once you have a polished performance (I have a lot of blogs on techniques) that lasts between five and seven minutes. Nothing compares to performing live, even while writing is a great way to develop your content and hone your sense of comedy. At least three open mic nights a week should be frequented by a comic seeking recognition. You might want to think about choosing an other field of work if you are unable to commit to it. In order to get comfortable performing in front of strangers, you must hone your act, timing, and degree of comfort on stage. Stage time is the only way to achieve this. I was up at least four nights a week, sometimes even more than that, while I was doing the open mics. I became known for being a talented writer. When you come into a room and people start talking positively about you, it’s a pleasant sensation! I always tried to be kind to everyone, and whenever I heard a comedian make a joke, I would always think of a tag for it and suggest it to the comedian. Some of Jay Leno’s best advise that I received.