It’s been said that love is a risk you should never be afraid to take. Even yet, we ought to use caution when deciding someone to take chances for. Love is a precious thing, after all, and we should only receive the finest. Sometimes you can simply tell when someone is actually your soulmate. In other cases, however, it could take some time to recognize that this is the one you are supposed to be with. You’ll be able to tell for sure if you can be who you really are with him, feel at ease even in your darkest moments. When you’re with him, you can be who you truly are. When you wake up, you don’t feel embarrassed to show off your gorgeous natural face, and he’s all for it. Even when it seems like you’re not, he tells you that you’re gorgeous. Even when you’re sweating profusely, he still thinks you’re attractive. Despite the fact that it may require some sacrifices on his part, he never stops you from achieving your goals. He finds ways to make sure you feel like he’s still there, even if you have to be physically apart from him for a while due to work or can’t watch his favorite series with him for a few weeks or months because you have to study.