For the traditional couple seeking a more traditional celebration, traditional wedding ceremonies are ideal. The minister usually extends a warm greeting or introduction before the vows are exchanged. Subsequently, the minister announces the couple’s first public marriage after they have exchanged rings and kissed. The wedding ceremony’s processional is the first thing that happens. At this point, members of your close relatives and the wedding party walk down the aisle to assume their positions on each side of the altar or find a seat. The bride’s mother leads the processional, which is then followed by the groom, best man, couples from the wedding party, flower girl, and ring bearer. The officiant will deliver a few words of welcome once everyone is positioned. The officiant will next provide a brief introduction and some marriage-related observations. This might be a succinct account of your courtship, a few words about what marriage means to you, or an explanation of the upcoming ceremony and its significance. Readers will then be brought forward to offer a few words if your ceremony includes any kind of readings. An officiant might introduce each reader and speaker, or you could arrange for the conversation to flow more naturally between readers.