Right now, you wouldn’t be breathing if it weren’t for your mother. You ought to give her credit for it, at the very least. The emotional pillars of the family are their mothers. They try their best to prevent us from becoming injured and offer a safe haven for everyone’s emotions. If she wasn’t there, who would kiss your boo-boos to make everything better? Mothers have the magical touch and kiss that can mend both our emotional and physical wounds. Our moms really put in a lot of effort and sacrifice to make our lives better. Tell her how much you appreciate it; not many people would be prepared to do that. Please pardon her in return; mothers are tolerant people. Your mother will prepare your lunch if you decide to climb the highest mountain. When others refuse to encourage your dreams, she is the one who will. She’ll also make sure your underwear is clean. Her limits improved you as a person. She kept you out of trouble even if you might not have agreed with some of her choices, particularly when you wanted to go out and party with your friends. Observe some of your acquaintances who don’t have mothers who have shown such concern. A mother’s eyes and hearing pick up on everything. Having someone with whom you can share life memories is pleasant.