Lack of moisture results in dry, flaky, or rough skin. Although it’s typical to have dry skin in the winter, you might also have dry skin all year round. Dry skin can be irritating and painful, but you can restore moisture balance to your skin by adjusting your skincare regimen to hydrate your skin. A standard dry skincare regimen consists of a sunscreen, moisturizer, and cleanser that contain hydrating agents such glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and ceramides. You can, however, increase the number of items in your daily and nightly skincare routines based on the needs of your skin. This is how dermatologists suggest creating the ideal skincare regimen for people with dry skin. A thin barrier called the epidermis, or top layer of skin, keeps water in to keep your skin hydrated and shielded from the environment. When your skin barrier loses water too quickly, it can result in dry skin, also known as xerosis or xeroderma. Your bedtime skincare routine should aim to replenish any moisture that your dry skin loses during the day while also clearing away debris and oil from the previous day. This aids in the day’s damage restoration for your skin cells. Here’s how to use nighttime moisturizer for dry skin. You can still remove debris and makeup during the day with your mild, oil-free, or moisturizing cleanser in the evening.