Before making a choice, you must have the ability to hear all sides of the argument. When someone expresses an honest perspective, pay attention to them rather than those who tell you what they THINK you want to hear. Before you decide, you must ascertain the potential locations of the landmines. I truly enjoy challenging my people to debate with me. It provides for some thrilling and engaging staff meetings and keeps us all on our toes. You can be made or broken by your team! Many business owners believe that I treat my staff well. In actuality, we would not be where we are now without them. As a company owner, all I do is operate the train; my staff members supply the steam needed to push the engine upward. This is useful for solving problems as well as for marketing efforts. While it’s not always the case that the “customer is right,” it is crucial to consider how they might feel if you were in their position and treat them accordingly. Regardless of the industry you work in, building relationships with your business partners is crucial. Remind yourself that you both depend on one other and ask yourself what you are offering to the table. Talk to them and get to know them; don’t merely send them a text or an email. They can assist you when you need it.