The most widely used instrument in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church is the kebero. The size and sound of the Kebero’s two sides vary. The smaller side depicts the human form that Jesus Christ incarnated into, while the bigger size symbolizes the magnificence of his divinity. Because it is a more expansive and abstract concept, the greater side symbolizes his divinity, whilst the smaller side is much smaller and merely reflects mankind. He combined those two pieces to form one. The lashing that He endured on our behalf is symbolized by the weaving along the Kebero. The red cloth that we typically wear is a symbol of His blood. Although Kebero’s clothing may be colored differently, biblical canon dictates that it must be crimson, symbolizing the blood he shed for our salvation. “”Because I was hungry and you didn’t feed me,” said Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, as she carried the timbrel (kebero) out in front of the other ladies. You refused to give me a drink even though I was thirsty. You didn’t extend a welcome to me as a stranger in your house. Not only did you not provide me clothes, but I was naked. You didn’t come see me while I was ill and incarcerated.