Greater closeness between these three elements may result in increased passion or commitment, and vice versa. All three facets of this triangle are experienced by those who are in love, yet the ways in which they display their love might differ greatly. You may wonder, “Does he love me?” or “Does she love me?” since the way your significant other shows you their love isn’t the same as the ways you prefer to be loved. This is especially true if their love language is different from yours. Long-term partners may find this to be an issue as well, leading one to question whether their long-term partner loves them. How can one tell if someone truly loves them? Observe their nonverbal cues. They will smile at you, keep their body angled in your direction, and make longer-than-usual eye contact. They will blush if you catch them staring at you, and they won’t be able to take their eyes off of you. They provide your demands first priority. This doesn’t mean they turn into doormats that’s unhealthy for both of you but they do take into account your needs and try to meet them. Examples of this include ensuring the restaurant you’re going to has food you can eat, scheduling dates that work with any health concerns you may have, or following up to find out whether you’re comfortable having sex.