Being there for your partner does not mean that you have to spend all of your time together. In order to be genuinely present in someone else’s life, you must share in their aspirations and take the time to acknowledge and celebrate their successes. It also entails genuinely empathetically relating to them during difficult times. Your relationship can be strengthened and you both feel like you’re on the same team just by communicating your desire to get to know and understand your partner. There is more to effective communication than just talking. It entails communicating your needs, wants, and views to others in a respectful manner. It also calls for attentive listening. Relationship problems might arise from having expectations about your partner’s behavior or emotions. It’s beneficial to keep in mind that your spouse has their own needs, desires, boundaries, and objectives and is not a perfect replica of you. Mutual feelings of respect and love can be developed by learning to accept people for who they are, despite any apparent shortcomings. Every partnership experiences conflict. But instead of responding to your partner in an emotionally charged way, think about pausing to ponder and gain understanding of the reasons behind your distress regarding this matter. It’s possible that anything they said or did set off unresolved feelings inside of you. Alternatively, you might conclude after giving it some thought that it isn’t as big of an issue as you initially believed.