Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. since you have demonstrated to me what a true man looks like. For many years, and even now, you embody what it is to be a loving husband and father. You have given your family’s welfare so much of yourself for as long as I can remember. It’s not easy to raise kids, but you and mom did a great job raising nine of us. Even while you might believe that not much of your hard work has been noticed, you have done a great deal for us, and it shows in the wonderful lives we have been given—lives that are based on the selfless sacrifices made by both you and your mother. You made sure, among other things, that we were always taken care of. Even at times when you were overburdened and burdened beyond our comprehension, you continued to pour into our family with the love of a devoted husband and father. While your mother took care of the family while you worked long hours away from home, she was always around for most of my childhood, so it helped me realize what a loving and successful marriage looked like, especially after having children. That, together with your constant presence in my life, unintentionally taught me what qualities to look for in a man.