Hearing and actively listening are two very different things. For the majority of us, hearing just occurs. Sound is automatically perceived by our ears. On the other hand, listening is an intentional action. To put it another way, an attentive listener does so with the goal of comprehending the other person. This is actively engaging in the conversation by posing intelligent questions, as opposed to merely listening to what the other person is saying. Those that listen well also take note of what their significant other is trying to tell them. Their nonverbal cues can communicate more about their emotions than words ever could. You can communicate to your significant other that you genuinely care about their feelings by actively listening to them. Ask your special someone how they are doing, but don’t just ask. What project have they been working on since the beginning of the year? Inquire about their recent employer. This may seem easy enough, yet we frequently forget to truly connect with our partners because we are too preoccupied with the daily grind of a relationship. This will demonstrate your concern for their current situation. Social media has made our globe extremely linked. Being aware of what’s going on online is beneficial for your social life, but it’s not always good for your relationship. or conversing with someone while concurrently checking our email. Disconnecting and concentrating on the present moment might be beneficial at times.