The Church of Ethiopia is a part of the Oriental Orthodox family of churches, and they are essentially united by a shared faith. The churches hold that their faith is rooted in the apostolic legacy and is demonstrated in the New Testament against the backdrop of the Old Testament. The Church Fathers have discussed it in both their teachings and the ancient councils. It is still present in the church today in the forms of worship, sermons, and discipline. To put it briefly, the Ethiopian church is a group that has inherited and adheres to the traditional Christian religion that has been passed down through the ages. The Ethiopian priest who celebrates St. John’s anaphora declares in prayer, “Thou hast no beginning, but Thou bringest all things to their end. You are limitless, but in everything you accomplished, you established boundaries. All that is is the creation of God. He has created them all and still provides for them. The Anaphora declares, “The Lord is high.” Nevertheless, “all live by His kindness, and all were created by His grace.” Entire in His own right, He always bestows excellence on His creations. In the end, He is in charge of both people and the entire historical process. God is not an impersonal ideal or a passive perfection; rather, He is a dynamic actuality who is constantly at work bringing everything into alignment with His ultimate plan.