A powerful woman takes on obstacles, defends her rights, and doesn’t back down from abuses of authority. Terrifying? Definitely. Essential? Indeed. Show fear no respect. Acknowledge your path and persevere. Determine the steps required to accomplish your objectives and the obstacles preventing you from doing so. Recognize when you should push yourself and when to give up. The secret sauce is a blend of timing, subtlety, self-respect, passion, and a good dosage of courage. It’s time to start cooking, handsome. Talk to strangers, smile a lot, accept invites, and eat everything that is put in front of you. Joy’s main components are serendipity, trust, and taking risks. Nothing novel ever occurs when there is no danger. When trust is lost, terror takes hold. Fearless and self-assured, strong and powerful women believe they can manage their own financial, emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Does this imply that they are content to live alone? Naturally, no. Author Catherine Bailey writes, “A strong woman admits she doesn’t have all the answers,” in her piece for Strong Women Strong Girls. She is prepared to be adaptable and look for further knowledge in order to improve her life and hone her intellect. Instead of waiting for the world to revolve around you, you are here to conquer it. Raise the difficult questions, learn quickly, get back up after yourself, and continue to take care of business.