For each person, self-care means something different. Self-care habits will vary from person to person, and you may even find that your personal concept of self-care changes over time. One person’s definition of self-care is probably not the same as another’s, and what works for you one day may not work for you the next. You might perform at your best if you take care of yourself on a regular basis. “We are better able to respond to the events in our lives when we routinely take care of ourselves.”We take this action to sustain our positive state of wellbeing. the self-initiated actions that people decide to take in order to support overall wellbeing and good health. Definitions of self-care have begun to focus more on overall wellbeing and on identifying and attending to one’s own needs as the practice has gained popularity. Anything you do for yourself that feels nurturing is considered self-care. That could be something cerebral, spiritual, physical, practical, or something you just have to get done. It could also be something soothing or restorative. As a pillar of self-care, health literacy is defined by the International Self-Care Foundation as follows: any action you take to improve your comprehension of the health information you require to make informed decisions about your health and well-being is also considered self-care.