Just add their email address to whatever silly mailing list or newsletter you like. Not sure where to begin? It appears that the Ferret Association of Connecticut releases three newsletters on a regular basis. They play the joke of saying, “Come over to the window and look at all these deer!” For the avoidance of doubt, no deer are present at all. The “harmless prank” component is increased here, though, because missing the deer is not a major letdown. They fool you by hiding three things, but they only hide two. Here’s an example tailored to your roommate: conceal their socks and toothpaste, but let them know you did it. Tell the truth at any time! A lovely package of pirate “doubloons” is available on Amazon. For a little while, let your loved ones think that they have discovered some genuine, cool money by hiding them around the house. Although a tad cheesy, it works. Furthermore, it is simply reversible, so your friend or victim won’t lose any of their prized merchandise. They play a casual game of hat confusion. This easy prank has the potential to cost a lot of money, and it comes from BuzzFeed. You need to get four slightly different-sized copies of the same hat in order to pull it off. Periodically excuse yourself from your friend’s (victim’s) company. You should wear a slightly bigger version of the hat each time you come back.