Deep trust, open communication, shared values and goals, mutual respect, the ability to resolve conflicts amicably, and a sincere desire to support one another through life’s ups and downs are all indicators that you have married the right person. In other words, you want a partner who makes you feel secure, loved, and valued. Strong foundation of trust: You feel comfortable revealing your vulnerabilities with them because you trust their integrity and dependability. Open communication: You can actively listen to your partner’s viewpoint and freely share your thoughts and feelings without worrying about being judged. Shared beliefs and objectives: You share comparable future aims and key life concepts. Mutual respect: You show care and consideration to one another and respect each other’s viewpoints. Being at ease being yourself: You can be who you truly are among them and feel accepted for who you are, flaws and all. Positive conflict resolution: You can resolve conflicts amicably by concentrating on working together to find answers rather than placing blame or launching an offensive. Want to help each other: You genuinely want to make them happy and healthy, and vice versa. Intimacy on both a physical and emotional level: You both love spending time together and have a strong bond. Capacity to develop together: You support one another’s individual growth and are open to changing and growing as a team.