Establish firm boundaries and let them know you need to be on your own as an independent person. Respect the boundaries once they have been discussed. Take a stance for yourself. You will need to learn how to survive on your own in the real world, regardless of gender, if you want to prevent being taken advantage of. In the workplace, in social situations, and at school, you have to learn how to advocate for yourself. Have confidence in yourself. You will exude strength when you have confidence in your skills and accomplishments. Go for your needs and desires. You run the risk of letting people walk all over you rather than obtaining what you need when you lack confidence or play the victim. Inform individuals when they have offended you. Make sure you let someone know if they in any way betray you. Expressing your feelings can be challenging, particularly when you’re upset or offended. However, expressing your feelings to the other person could assist stop them from acting out again later on. Acknowledge codependency in yourself. If you are codependent, you may come to feel that your life is defined by the connection. You might consider the other person incessantly and postpone making a decision until after you have spoken with them. Make an effort to overcome codependency by keeping an eye out for these symptoms.