You would have squandered all the gifts you have made thus far to reach this point if you gave up. When you understand how much it costs to battle for your aspirations and then have them dashed, things will get even more frustrating. Recall the people who have inspired you and served as your role models. Never forget the people who have inspired you throughout life; your loved ones and role models will never stop pushing you on. Your dreams will remain unfulfilled if you give up. One of the best kept-for-ever advices is this one. Too many people believe they are capable of solving problems on their own. Then again, you have to get the despair and failure off your chest. And trying to stand while opening up to someone you can rely on is the greatest way to accomplish this. Select a reliable person who you know will be able to support you. Remember that nothing worthwhile comes easily. The reason why diamonds are so expensive is a mystery to many. Diamonds are pricey not because they grow on trees but rather because they can only be extracted by excavating the planet’s deepest recesses.