
My life is unexplained dream

I wasn’t entirely clear why he said those things, and they weren’t the lines we were reciting. I do, however, recall being troubled and wondering what it was about my expression that led him to conclude that I didn’t need a guy. Although he was correct, the statement’s insinuation upset me a little. Was I a heartless, uncaring shrew who appeared to be completely unvulnerable? Perhaps I came out as a touch distant…Perhaps I wasn’t…In any case, it made me consider what it actually meant to be dependent on someone else and if it was even a good thing. I’m more than content to be called a lady who doesn’t need a man these days. To adequately care for oneself, you must know what it is that you enjoy, need, and desire out of life. You won’t be able to sustain yourself unless you have a firm understanding of those aspects of yourself. You won’t be able to approach others and request what you need and want, for sure. Learn to enjoy your alone time. The remedy to loneliness is solitude. You can benefit from solitude whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert. Many women fear being by alone because they fear falling short of expectations, failing to accomplish goals, or not receiving affection and approval from their relationships. However, none of those worries or fears are based in reality.

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