
The truth about Gigi from her sister

While feeling envious is normal at times, it’s crucial that you learn to manage it and accept responsibility for your thoughts, actions, and life. Whenever you feel like you’re stuck, it’s best to find a mentor or role model to look up to rather than feel envious of.
Along with learning to set limits, you should also learn to be selfish about your personal space and the individuals you allow inside so that no one can walk over you or take advantage of you. Prioritize yourself and let others know how you feel about jokes or criticism, especially if it comes from an unexpected source. Never adjust your boundaries to please someone. Another essential component of being a strong, independent woman is having self-advocacy. Invest in your own growth and acquire new skills. Having your own finances is the first step toward independence. No one should be able to tell you how to live your life. You can acquire skills that are always in demand by upskilling. To ensure long-term riches, educate yourself on how to invest and save money. Always think of yourself as capable; you can achieve everything you set your mind to. Recognizing your advantages and disadvantages is crucial for strong, independent women. It is beneficial for introspection and has a significant impact on your life. Ultimately, you are the only one who can be a strong, independent woman. You need to act and perceive yourself accordingly.

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