
The wedding people were waiting for

Regarding a dating setting, this matter can be understood in two different ways: A male would respond, “Well, then, wouldn’t you want true equality in your relationships?” which a female could respond, “When I get paid as much as you do for doing the same job, and I don’t have to trail-blaze or fight an uphill battle to make a name for myself in a man’s working world, then we can talk about true equality.” I lean toward being in agreement with the latter viewpoint. Though it may encourage women to be independent-minded in our working life, these aspects of inequality can make even the feminists among us feel victimized. Women may see themselves reflected in society as earning less money, respect, and opportunity than males. It becomes a welcome change of pace: We can unwind, be ourselves, and stop pushing so hard when a man treats us kindly out of a desire to offer. Personal safety is another important issue that, regrettably, brings to light the underlying inequalities in our nation and the world. 95% of domestic abuse victims nationwide who had ER visits documented are women, and one in three women worldwide will experience sexual assault at some point in their lives. This is an important topic to consider while talking about heterosexual love relationships. Women deserve and want to feel safe, especially when they are around men.

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