I want to explain the wedding ceremony that takes place among the Sodo Gurage People in this story. Additionally, the majority of Sodo Gurages’ weddings are arranged. Not until a specific age, but rather until the children get married and move out of the family home, the parents mold and direct their children’s life. They act as judges, advisors, and executors of their kids’ best interests. They are free to select, accept, or reject a spouse. The Sodo Gurages commemorate “Meskel,” or “finding of the true cross,” as a big celebration that is lovingly observed and known by the locals as “Adabna.” The union of the Sodo Gurages in marriage. Girls and boys sing and dance to the best of music starting on Meskel and continuing until the seventh day. This is the moment when the lad looks into the eyes of the person who breaks his heart and whom he hopes to marry in the future. He tracks her movements and looks for her home neighborhood. The guys inform his parents of her permanent residence as soon as they learn of it and implore them to ask the girl’s family for her hand in marriage.Being ec static, the young man’s parents send the elders to ask the young woman’s parents to propose marriage as the first step in following conventions and traditions.