
The wedding ceremony of Soliyana Michael

I’ve been married for 32 years and, in my opinion, there is just one, ideal path to a happy, long-lasting connection with another person. My 280,320 hours of marriage to my wife have given me experience, observation, and insights that give me credibility when I write. Informally trying to assist young couples in creating a marriage that endures and self-renews through life’s joys and trials, I have also put in a few hundred additional hours. However, giving advice to others on what to do is considerably less important than living out your beliefs over a long period of time and practicing what you preach. The subject of marriage is significant, and in modern times, there is much debate about the institution itself. Firstly, matrimony is both lovely and challenging. The excitement of married love, even between two individuals who are incredibly compatible, is frequently matched by difficulties that will reveal each partner’s innermost qualities and shortcomings. If both of you are prepared to put in the necessary work before getting married to start the tree growing in the right direction, marriage may be a wonderful and rewarding experience shared by two people. In its most basic form, a love relationship is like a seed of a tree. It will require patience, intentionality, financial support, and attentive care to bring that seed to full development. Still, the effort will be worthwhile.

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