
From one corner to another I thank the people of Ethiopia

You can get aid since you’re not alone. You shouldn’t feel guilty about asking for assistance. There are those that want to see you succeed, whether you decide to rely on a friend, mentor, loved one, or stranger. Your feelings won’t go away if you try to hide them. Instead, when feelings are neglected, they become imprisoned energy and may even have detrimental effects on one’s health. Give your feelings some time to settle. One way to do this could be through meditation. Alternatively, if you would rather to express your feelings in writing, writing can be a healing and cathartic process. You could be able to gain fresh perspective on your circumstances when you express and feel your sentiments. “What you give is what you get” is an old proverb. Help out if you’ve experienced something similar or if you have suggestions for someone you know who is going through a difficult moment! Not only does helping others make them feel better, but it can also make you feel better. The fear of failing, or even the fear of having to make a choice, can easily lead one to think small. But you have to be willing to take chances if you want to achieve big things in life. Whatever the obstacles, never stop dreaming and thinking big. You will accomplish more in this way than you ever could have dreamed. Make an effort not to allow your mind get in the way of you.

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