
I am respected because of my hair style

Please refrain from apologizing excessively. If you do this, you run the risk of making other people think less of you, particularly if your natural tendency is to apologize to them for both your mistakes and their mistakes. I’m not advocating that you fail to accept responsibility for the errors you and your team have made. Weak leaders are known to act in this way. Rather, I contend that capable leaders accept full responsibility for their own and their team’s conduct, and they are held in higher regard as a result. Nobody will appreciate or like you if you are the team’s resident critic. Highlighting errors, shortcomings, and opportunities for development is crucial, but it’s just as—if not more—important to incorporate your suggestions, ideas, and techniques. More people respect those who solve problems and find solutions than those who complain. Show that you can think strategically and present well-thought-out, thorough concepts along with solutions to get more respect. You are respected more when you have the guts to not just identify the problems but also support your claims with thoughtful suggestions for improvements. People will appreciate you for making an idea, even if they don’t agree with it in its entirety.

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