
She is my fiancée and the award is for her too

It seems like everyone knows how to live your life. Like birds to Tippi Hedren, advice comes to you (go ahead, Google it, I’ll wait). How did we become so fortunate to have so many life specialists around us? Warning: they are not experts. Not with regard to your life, anyway. I doubt that they are good with their own, but in terms of your path, never allow anyone to be considered a professional. You are the only professional in your life. It’s not that they have bad intentions. They truly do—they do. Private lives, however, are obsolete in this day of social media. The adage “mind your own business” is one that I wish more people would follow. First and foremost, you should write everything down before making any significant life adjustments. This activity will force you to reflect deeply on your life goals in order to give them greater substance. Therefore, in order to succeed, you must first ask yourself what brings you joy, what you hope to accomplish, and what you wish to alter. It’s also important to consider the parts of your life that you enjoy and those that you don’t. After that, you may simply put everything in writing. You’ll discover that this can assist you in organizing your ideas. It will guarantee that you have a great overview as well.

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