Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Motion sprang to mind as I was writing this morning about positivity and negativity. You are aware of it, I’m sure. “Every action has an equal response.” There is a scientific law in the world that governs all aspect of your life, including your job, your relationships with family, friends, and other people, as well as your self-perception. Your life is your responsibility. Your life is something you make up. Every action, speech, and thought you have also elicits the same response. Now go ahead and test it! Your activities will have a positive impact or nice reaction on other people if you’re a kind person who wants to help others rather than hurt them. Good intentions find their way back to you if you are considerate and giving.
What do you believe you’re drawing in if you dwell on your lack of particular things, whine about money, be unemployed, and strive to deceive and outdo others? When someone mistreats you or tells you lies, your first instinct is to avoid them and not trust them. They are not companions. You will have it if you lead a compassionate life and concentrate on living abundantly because anything you focus on will grow and enter your life.