Moisturize: To keep your edges hydrated every day, use a leave-in conditioner and seal with hair oil. Hair that is dry is more likely to break. Massage: Massaging the scalp helps promote hair growth and blood flow. Try giving your scalp a massage once every two weeks. Steer clear of tight hairstyles: Wigs, braids, and ponytails can strain your edges and harm your hairline. Utilize natural oils: Castor oil from Jamaica might aid in hair follicle stimulation. Consume a nutritious diet: Get adequate protein and eat a lot of fruits, veggies, and complete grains. Reduce the temperature of your hot tools and use a heat protection device to prevent overheating. Use of high-maintenance styles or extensions that tug or strain your edges should be limited. If you pull them too tight, even twists and ponytails might harm your edges. Ask your hairdresser to omit your edges if you decide to get extensions. Check out these additional protective styles if you choose to stop wearing extensions to give your hairline and edges some much-needed rest. Watch out for hats and headbands. Use a small satin scarf between your hair and your hat, or search for headbands with a silk lining. Your delicate edges won’t break or snag on headwear if you choose silk or satin.