Active listening is paying close attention to what someone is saying. Be sympathetic: Make an effort to comprehend and experience what those around you are feeling. Express gratitude: Acknowledge and express gratitude to others for their efforts. Be patient: Show forgiveness and understanding.
Establish boundaries: Let people know what your limits are. Show kindness by prioritizing the needs of others over your own. Assign duties: Request assistance with things like getting prescription drugs or food. Celebrate minor triumphs: Give credit to others for their accomplishments, no matter how tiny. Observe and praise compassionate behavior: Give credit to those who demonstrate compassion. In general, people are not taught how to take care of one another from an early age. This includes how to hold space for one another, how to receive one another’s feelings, how to make others feel cared for, and how to meet our own emotional needs while also helping others meet theirs. As someone who genuinely values helping people and has been repeatedly told that I’m fairly skilled at it, I’m providing a free lesson. First of all, I didn’t know how to take care of people from birth. Even if I’m still learning, I still make mistakes frequently. However, I want to make it clear that I’ve deliberately tried and learnt how to do this.