Using home treatments like exfoliating and balms may help cure cracked heels. However, a doctor can suggest an alternative course of treatment if you have diabetes or your heels are badly cracked. One of the most prevalent foot issues is cracked heels. Twenty percent of American people report having cracked foot skin, according to one survey. Both adults and children may experience this, though women appear to be more affected than males. Most people don’t take having cracked heels seriously. Going barefoot could be uncomfortable. Cracks in the heels can occasionally grow very deep and hurt. The first line of treatment for cracked heels is to use a heel balm. These balms have substances that hydrate, soften, and exfoliate dead skin. Certain heel balms may produce slight stinging or irritation. This is normal. Consult your doctor if the balm bothers you or creates extreme reactions. For severe cracked heels, a prescription-strength balm or steroid cream may be required to alleviate irritation and itching. Soak and exfoliate the feet. The skin around damaged heels is typically thicker and drier than the rest of your skin. When you put pressure to this skin, it tends to split. Soaking and hydrating your feet can assist with this.