Treat yourself with kindness. Try your hardest to accept yourself as you are right now. Everyone has certain aspects they would like to change about themselves, but when you already appreciate who you are, it’s lot simpler to do so. At that point, improving oneself is more like supporting a buddy than reprimanding an adversary. For example, put self-acceptance ahead of a new diet if you’re struggling with body image concerns. Starting from where you are instead of where you wish to be will help you gain confidence more quickly. Step outside of your comfort zone. You’ll have more chances to build your self-confidence the more you step outside of your comfort zone. Take small steps to the best of your ability if you’re struggling with a lack of confidence since the last thing you want is to put yourself in an awkward situation. As you start to push yourself, it’s common to feel self-conscious. You may also feel a little uncomfortable trying new things that you were previously afraid of. You’ll feel a bit more confident that you can handle anything life throws at you each time you confront your anxieties. List the favorable attributes. Make a note of the occasions you felt good about yourself or the aspects of your personality that you value.